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For most companies, a localized website is a must if they want to find new customers and retain existing ones.
Why? It varies depending on industry, existing global market share, and other factors. But chances are there are at least a few great reasons to translate your website for multilingual and global customers. Veja aqui 10:
Targeting multilingual and global markets is a great way to sustain company growth, and localized websites are the best way to reach them. They're key for:
Not sure you can handle a translation project while also focusing on your company's needs? Weigh the pros and cons of leveraging internal resources vs. partnering with a 3rd party for website translation.
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Às vezes sua reputação precede você e sua marca deslancha inesperadamente em um novo mercado. Se você descobrir interesse inesperado no exterior em seus produtos ou serviços, mantenha esse impulso traduzindo seu website. A survey conducted by the European Commission found that 90% of Internet users in the EU always visit websites in their own language when given the choice. This highlights the importance of translating website content into multiple languages to reach a wider audience and gives consumers a platform to directly engage with your brand.
If you're already conducting business beyond your domestic market, it's best practice to provide localized information and support for international customers. É bem mais provável que os clientes façam negócios com sua marca quando conseguem ler as descrições dos produtos, entender as opções de envio e pagamento e transacionar no idioma no qual se sentem mais à vontade.
So, what can you expect from translating for new markets? You'll be able to:
Ter um website traduzido pode diferenciar sua marca da concorrência. Entering a new market before your rivals can help you gain market share faster and empowers you to set the standards for quality and services that your competitors will have to meet later.
Here are some things to consider when entering a new market before it has been thoroughly explored:
Pode ser que seus concorrentes já estejam atendendo clientes on-line nos idiomas preferidos deles. Para ser relevante nesses mercados, você também deve traduzir seu website. Felizmente, existem soluções de tradução que lhe permitem entrar rapidamente em novos mercados, com traduções perfeitas para a marca, que podem lhe proporcionar uma vantagem em termos de experiência do usuário e do cliente.
By following in competitors’ footsteps, you can access information about:
Sometimes translation is more than just best practice. Em alguns mercados e setores, é uma exigência legal. Certain countries and regions have laws and regulations requiring language access for those who need it. A falha em cumprir esses regulamentos não só acarreta perda de negócios, como também penalidades e multas.
Not sure if this applies to your business? See if you might be subject to fines, lawsuits, or even incarceration by neglecting your non-English speaking customers.
Examine a analítica de seu website. You can easily access data which can reveal untapped markets that can be better served with multilingual websites. Here are some important data points to consider when deciding if your customers may need translations:
If you are experiencing frequent bouncing and visitors outside of your intended market, you could benefit from website translation and a greater conversion rate.
Seu website é mais que uma plataforma onde os clientes podem se engajar e transacionar com sua marca. Você também colhe benefícios de SEO do conteúdo on-line, o que melhora as classificações de busca e o tráfego orgânico.
Website translation can help with SEO in several ways:
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Usuários globais que não conseguem ler seu website não vão encontrar você, e se não o encontram, não geram conversões. According to a study by Common Sense Advisory, businesses that translated their content saw a 1.5% increase in revenue compared to those that did not.
Making your content available in new languages will attract new customers, increase your website traffic, and ultimately lead to conversions. Conversions need not be limited to on-site transactions, but lead generations and on-site engagement are also meaningful. Even non-transactional websites benefit from translation in the form of completed contact forms, informational downloads, and a reduced amount of customer support call centers.
Giving your multilingual and global customers an authentic online experience is the best reason to translate your website and can incorporate any or all the reasons above.
When you want to make new customers aware of your brand, support offerings you already provide, or do a better job of serving a market than your competitors, you do so by giving customers a CX that's just as good as your origin website's. Seus clientes não apenas merecem essa experiência excepcional, eles contam com ela. Não os decepcione.
Did any of these reasons stand out to you? Get fast and easy website translation using a combination of artificial intelligence, translation memory, and algorithmic translation. MotionPoint’s Adaptive Translation™ delivers human-quality translations while saving you up to 60%.
Curious For More? Sign up for AdaptiveCon a Webinar on The Future of Website Translation in Light of AI, June 13th. Register here!