Os hotéis podem combinar redesigns com tradução de websites para atrair hóspedes globais
Redesigns de websites combinados com projetos de tradução apresentam uma oportunidade para acelerar o crescimento em mercados globais, diz nosso vice-presidente executivo.
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29 de março de 2019
Os hotéis podem combinar redesigns com tradução de websites para atrair hóspedes globais
In addition to keeping your hotel’s brand image fresh and attractive to guests, website redesigns present an opportunity to leverage additional technologies and best practices that improve the user experience and increase conversions, writes MotionPoint EVP Craig Witt in an article for Hospitality Technology.
Website translation projects paired with redesigns create engaging, authentic, world-class experiences that attract international guests and generate previously untapped conversions and revenue.
Witt offers several redesign best practices to follow that make implementing website localization effortless and affordable:
Design dynamic, flexible page templates that can accommodate “word growth,” which is when localized text takes up more space than the original text
Ensure your CMS and database are ready to capture and display multilingual content, especially non-Latin scripts and dual-byte characters
Look for a technology-independent translation solution that future-proofs your website during updates, redesigns and re-platforming projects