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Aumente a possibilidade de ser descoberto em mercados globais com SEO multilíngue

Investir em SEO internacional pode gerar demanda entre clientes em todo o mundo, afirma nosso vice-presidente executivo.

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24 de maio de 2019

Craig Witt
Craig Witt

Brands with a digital presence, including B2B companies, often make significant investments in SEO to help find and engage new online customers. But it’s equally important to bring an international perspective to your SEO project, writes EVP Craig Witt in an article for Industry Today.

Multilingual SEO is essential for companies expanding their global reach, Witt says. By leveraging language and technology, B2B companies can create an international SEO strategy that accelerates their worldwide business.

Witt provides multilingual SEO best practices, such as:

  • Building a localized SEO keyword list with linguists that understand the languages and cultures of your global markets
  • Cross-linking websites for global and domestic markets to help global sites inherit SEO benefits
  • Translating “invisible” and indexable metadata content, such as titles, tags, headers and alt text

Learn more at Industry Today.

Última atualização: 24 de maio de 2019
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