Notícias da MotionPoint

MotionPoint nomeia novo vice-presidente executivo de Vendas Mundiais

Craig Witt vai fortalecer a infraestrutura de vendas e acelerar o crescimento das vendas globais

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12 de janeiro de 2017


A MotionPoint, uma líder em tecnologia e serviços para tradução, localização e otimização de websites, anunciou hoje a indicação de Craig Witt como vice-presidente executivo de vendas globais.

MotionPoint helps organizations engage customers online in any language, improving the customer experience, reducing costs, and creating strategic revenue growth. Boasting hundreds of brand-name clients and delivering over 1 billion web pages each month, the company has a long history of innovation to drive client success in new markets. Witt will oversee the global sales force to further fuel the company's momentum.

"Craig has more than 26 years of experience in accelerating sales growth in the global enterprise, software and mobile markets," said Will Fleming, MotionPoint's CEO. "With a long history of building, leading and scaling successful sales teams, he understands the challenges that both large, global brands and smaller, regional organizations face. He also understands how businesses like ours must scale to meet those demands. His extensive market knowledge will prove hugely valuable to both MotionPoint and the customers we serve."

Prior to joining MotionPoint, Witt served as executive vice president of global sales at Version One, an enterprise software company. Ele também exerceu diversos cargos de liderança em vendas em empresas anteriores, incluindo ser vice-presidente de vendas mundiais da KidoZen, diretor de vendas e vice-presidente sênior de marketing global da Spring Mobile Solutions, e vice-presidente de vendas da Tibco Software.

"MotionPoint is well-positioned to grow rapidly in this industry," said Witt. "Our technology allows organizations to launch websites targeting any market, in multiple languages, in less than 90 days, with little to no IT involvement. We then take it a step further by offering customized services and tools that ensure our clients' success in each market.

"Now is a dynamic time for marketers, when communications and commerce seemingly have no borders. But, often they're unclear about how to tap into global opportunities and deliver those projects with limited budgets and resources. I'm excited to join a team that's solving those challenges for our customers and offering innovative technology that delivers global success to world-class brands."

Witt resides in Delray Beach, Fla., and will be based at MotionPoint’s headquarters in Coconut Creek.

Última atualização: 12 de janeiro de 2017
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