Tecnologia de tradução

Como a MotionPoint elimina a complexidade da tradução de portais

A maioria das soluções de tradução digital não consegue localizar áreas de login seguras com eficácia e transfere tarefas complexas para seus clientes. Saiba como a MotionPoint é diferente.

Reagan Evans's avatar
Reagan Evans

29 de janeiro de 2020


In the hands of inexperienced vendors, translation projects that involve secure website login areas create as many problems as they solve. That’s because localizing secure portals for multilingual customers, employees and business partners is more technically challenging than it appears.

Most vendors’ underdeveloped portal solutions usually lead to:

  • Despesas inesperadas
  • Atrasos na implementação
  • Traduções incorretas ou insatisfatórias
  • Experiências de usuário ruins
  • Altas taxas de desistência
  • Perda de clientes e de receita.

Portal translation is highly complex stuff, and is beyond the understanding of most localization vendors. Mas com a MotionPoint é diferente.

Our technology and turn-key approach thoroughly and elegantly tackles the operational complexity of portal translation, while also providing airtight security. Veja como.

Seamless Technology Support

Portal platforms, even ones that have multilingual capabilities, often fall short under the rigors of day-to-day translation. That’s because these platforms usually shift much of the most costly effort—including technical configuration, collecting translatable content, translation, and publication on the localized portal—onto their customers.

Additionally, these systems rarely support the localization of complex web applications and database-driven dynamic content, which are commonly used to present personalized experiences to users.

MotionPoint's solution avoids these issues because it operates independently of your platform's technology stack, and supports all underlying technologies and code. It's the only solution that reliably works with these (and other) technically complex technologies and use-cases:

  • Our solution is compatible with legacy backend databases that have not have been widely supported in years (or decades)
  • It accurately parses translatable content from complex web applications powered by Angular, React and other frameworks
  • It deploys sophisticated JSON and XML parsers to detect and localize hard-to-find dynamic content
  • It seamlessly supports custom-built portals that leverage several coding languages or frameworks

MotionPoint’s approach is also:

Totalmente integral

MotionPoint assumes 99% of the tasks required to implement and operate multilingual instances of your portal, including configuration, hosting, ongoing maintenance, translation, content publication and more.

It takes about 5 hours of IT on your end to implement our solution-not the weeks or months required with other approaches. E em base contínua, seu envolvimento não é absolutamente necessário.


MotionPoint's innovative proxy-based solution ensures that our do not see or store any personally-identifiable information. We support industry-recommended secure encryption protocols, and are also compliant with PCI DSS, HIPAA, Privacy Shield and other rigorous data protection standards.

Pronta para reestruturação e mudança de plataforma

MotionPoint’s solution operates independently of your portal’s platform, so it can seamlessly support any redesign or platform migration you might undergo down the road … with little-to-no effort required from your team.

A solução hospedada gerenciada 24 / 7 / 365 ideal

Nossa sosolução integrada também é totalmente compatível com redes de distribuição de conteúdo em qualquer configuração. E como nós lidamos com todo o tempo de operação, patches de software e tarefas de instalação, não é necessário nenhum esforço de sua parte.

Eliminação de esforço e despesas indiretas

As you make content changes to your origin portal, your localized portal should effortlessly keep pace. But traditional vendors often heap tasks on their customers because they lack the necessary fluency in website technologies and automated workflows.

In contrast, MotionPoint's solution handles all the under-the-hood complexities that can bog down your IT team. We have the translators and resources to handle ongoing updates, new customer support content, fresh UI capabilities and more.

We handle it all, including:

Fluxo de trabalho de tradução

MotionPoint’s solution automatically identifies translatable content on your portal pages and complex applications, sends it to experienced translators, fully manages the production workflow including revisions, and publishes the content.

We publish this translated content on your localized portal typically within one business day.

Suporte e encaminhamento 24/7

MotionPoint’s technologies, project managers and translation teams constantly monitor and oversee every facet of the portal translation project—from technology to translation—and even tackle issues with third-party providers.

Suporte multimídia

A MotionPoint dá suporte à tradução de todo tipo de arquivo multimídia on-line (inclusive imagens, PDF, vídeos, gravações de áudio, aplicativos interativos e outros). Multimedia content is detected, translated, and published to your localized website with no effort required from you.

Capacidades de monitoramento do site e dos fluxos principais

This technology monitors your localized portal's keyflows for functionality issues. MotionPoint's web engineers use automated scripts to regularly analyze your portal's performance.

If they detect any issues, they quickly investigate to determine if there's a technical error or a shortcoming in the portal's functionality. Em seguida, eles corrigem imediatamente o erro ou lhe enviam uma notificação, se necessário.


There are enough processes to manage to support your origin portal. Adding localization into the mix exponentially increases that complexity.

A abordagem líder de setor da MotionPoint lida com todos os desafios previstos, e as centenas de desafios imprevistos. Our fully turn-key solution eliminates that effort and complexity, producing localized portals worthy of global customers, and your brand.

Última atualização: 29 de janeiro de 2020
Reagan Evans's avatar

About Reagan Evans

Reagan Evans is MotionPoint's SVP of Sales. He has a strong background in sales and data management and has nearly 10 years of executive level experience in the field. He uses his expertise in global sales, new business development, sales production, and data organization to drive MotionPoint's market expansion and new client acquisition. Evans leverages MotionPoint's industry-leading technology to drive sales and ensure higher customer satisfaction.

Reagan Evans's avatar
Reagan Evans

SVP, Head of Sales